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    Gracie and Hake Meet

    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:31 pm

    He looks at Gracie with his stoic expression, stating blankly: "I am taking my time."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:25 pm

    "No, you aren't. You're barely even taking the time to taste the food you're eating!" She said, laughing to herself as she shook her head "Listen, try spend at least 1 minute on one. I guarantee that you will enjoy the food far more than you are now." As she took another bite of her food, adding "Makes it last longer too, then maybe you won't eat so much."
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:46 pm

    Hake shrugs his shoulders slightly. "If I weren't taking my time, I would be downing these in one or two bites. Last time I tried going slow with it it became insufferable and I just resumed eating at my normal pace." He takes a drink of his water, letting out a big sigh after. "This is taking a while, at this rate I'm gonna starve..." He says while he leans over the table slightly, a dark purple gloom being shown on his forehead comedically while he continues to have his unamused expression.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:48 pm

    Gracie smirked faintly as he said so, raising an eyebrow at him as she asked "Well... Didn't you kinda just do that now anyway? And yeah, it takes a while to make the burgers. You handled the wait just fine before the first ones came."
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Tue Sep 08, 2020 6:56 pm

    Hake looks over at her, sharpening his eyes a little bit for the sake of emphasis. "Once I eat, I usually do not stop. This kind of wait is killing me."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:04 pm

    As he spoke, Gracie laughed a little, shaking her head as she murmured "You poor thing. Well, lucky for you, it looks like they're coming with your food" She said, gesturing behind him at the waitress bringing the 5 burgers, and placing them in front of Hake
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:45 pm

    Hake looks at the plate of burgers with hungry intent, his eyes lighting up a bit as he looks down on them. Bowing at the waitress before saying to the entire table: "Long have I waited for this moment..."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Tue Sep 08, 2020 7:48 pm

    As he did, Gracie quickly swiped 3 of the plates away from him, moving them to the opposite corner of the table as she said "Eat them slowly. I'll give you the others if you take your time, otherwise, they're coming with me in a take home bag."
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:56 pm

    He droops forward on the table and attempts to grab it before she can swipe it but is too late, he looks slightly upset in a humorous way and says: "Noooooo...." Quietly under his breath in defeat. He eyes her once she starts speaking before replying. "But I have been taking my time...!"
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:59 pm

    Gracie shakes her head a little, nodding at the 2 burgers in front of him as she said "Not by my standards. And that's what I'm referring to. Start eating, and slowly, else these are staying with me. That's all I'm going to say." She added with a stern voice, with a taunting edge to it
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:41 pm

    He grumbles under his breath, grabbing the one in front of him and biting down on it, eating half of it already. Would seem he isn't taking his time still...
    Maxwell Connor

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Maxwell Connor Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:42 pm

    He just stares at the two with wide eyes, Hake specifically. This is the slowest he's seen him eat. "W-whoa..."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:13 pm

    Gracie smirked faintly, shaking her head at him as she said "Not good enough. If you're to become the lieutenant of SCOA, that means you're going to be sitting at the table with people within the highest strata of society. You can't be seen eating in such a... Primal manner. Slower, or as I said, these are coming home with me." She said, once again gesturing to the burgers that she had kept a safe distance away from him
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:12 am

    His forehead turns purple in a comedic manner, lowering his eyelids a bit with a stressed groan. He takes another bite, only eating a quarter of the half this time.
    Maxwell Connor

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Maxwell Connor Mon Oct 19, 2020 9:12 am

    His eyes light up a bit, smiling at the two rather widely. "Wow, you two must really be a thing huh? I've never seen Hack act so tamed before!"
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Oct 19, 2020 10:19 am

    Gracie laughed at Maxwell as he said so, shaking her head as she said "Last I heard, the way to a man's heart was by giving him food, not withholding it."
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:15 pm

    While eating, he stops midbite and darts his head immediately towards Maxwell with an brow raised, looking slightly aggravated. "Excuse me???" He looks back at Gracie after her statement and groans loudly, burying his head between his elbows while he still holds his burger, his forehead on the table. He muffles: "Can I eat peacefully without any mockery, both of you?"
    Maxwell Connor

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Maxwell Connor Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:16 pm

    He chuckles quietly under his breath, standing up from the table and stretching. "Well, I've got to head back anyways. My assignment is finished, I'll leave you two lovers be now. I'll see you both again tomorrow!" With that said he turns away and waves at them before leaving the bar.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:35 pm

    Gracie grinned at Maxwell as he said so, waving back at him, before leaning across the table to Hake, shaking her head slightly as she said "Better I get you used to this now than you having to suffer for it later. After all, we are going to be colleagues for the rest of our time here"
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:02 am

    With Gracie's comment and Maxwell calling them "lovers," he groans once again, his forehead still on the table. He mutters quietly under his breath:

    "I don't believe this is something I will ever adapt to..."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Wed Jan 27, 2021 9:03 am

    Gracie grinned at him as he said so, placing her hand under his chin and tilting it up to face her as she said "Well, I'm planning on becoming your boss soon, so you'd better start trying~"
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:34 am

    His expression shifts to that of a more serious one, slanting his lips slightly.

    "We shall see, I'm confident in my project."

    He still has his chin on her hand, subconsciously resting against it.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Wed Jan 27, 2021 7:46 pm

    Gracie cringed slightly as she heard him say so, removing her hand from his chin to gently pat him on the cheek as she said "Oh honey.... I don't know what to tell you...." She said, almost at war with herself, before she added, speaking in a pained tone "Your plan... Isn't the greatest I've seen..."
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:44 pm

    Hake raises a brow looking dumbfounded with what he just heard.

    "Is not the greatest?" After repeating that, he returns to his stern look. "I believe you may be mistaken, these strategies are forged from my ancestors' ancient records; the many battles and wars they have fought in, including the war from a near century ago."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet - Page 5 Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:48 pm

    Gracie groaned quietly as he said so, hanging her head as she said "Well... Yeah, that's kinda a big part of the problem. You really think people would not have come up with countermeasures for strategies used a century ago, as you put it, in the most famous war we've had till date?"

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