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    Gracie and Hake Meet

    Blaze Connor
    Blaze Connor

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Blaze Connor Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:05 am

    Over the past few weeks, Blaze had been searching for a new right hand, after the one that used to fill this role for him had retired at a respectful age. Out of the many applications he had received, he had shortlisted 6 applicants for the position. However, he wasn't simply just going to interview them. He wanted to give them each a chance to show their skills, rather than telling him about them. The 6 would be gathered in a conference room, all sitting at a table in front of Blaze's chair, and after a few moments of waiting, Blaze entered the room, taking a seat as he said. "Good afternoon, everyone. You are all the people that I decided to shortlist to join me as my lieutenant, my right hand. I'm sure I don't need to tell you the responsibilities this will entail, you all would know the answer to that. However, you all have your own strengths, and weaknesses. I have seen this much in your work for me thus far. The coming week will have a series of challenges for you to prove your worth to me, and ultimately, the reason why I should hire you, over the other 5 people sitting in this room." He said, his eyes scanning each of the applicants swiftly, before asking "Any questions?"
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:16 am

    He is sitting with his arms on the table, hands intertwined together. Hake looks at Blaze the moment he enters the room, having a stern expression. Currently, he is wearing professional attire; having a bullet-proof black suit and tie as his outfit.

    "When can we expect to begin these 'challenges'?"

    The man asks, his voice deep and intimidating.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:41 am

    Gracie, meanwhile, remained silent. She used the opportunity to scout out her opposition, knowing full well that once they had gotten into the challenges that there would barely be any time for that later on. She was unable to put a finger on who she should keep an eye on for now, though she knew full well that anyone making it this far would give her a hard time. That said, she recognized the admiral's brother, and at this current point, he was the one that she was going to put her money on giving her the most trouble, if for nothing other than his name.
    Blaze Connor
    Blaze Connor

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    Post by Blaze Connor Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:47 am

    "Tomorrow. Today, mingle, get to know each other. You will all be working with each other in some capacity, regardless of who ultimately wins this competition, as I will personally ensure that those of you that aren't among the highest ranking officials in this organisation, will be." Blaze responded coolly, giving all of the applicants an appraising look "The challenges will test not only your ability to fight, but your ability to lead in a military effort. You each shine in a particular aspect, which is why I'm holding this competition. You will be scored in a points based system, known only to myself. Your only goal should be to impress me, not to try hit criteria just for points. Understood?"
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:01 pm

    He simply nods.


    With that said, he takes a look over at Maxwell; Blaze's brother. He squints his eyes at him for a moment before looking at the other contestants, noticing Gracie last. After taking in everyone's appearance, he stands up from his chair. Looking to mingle with the other applicants first before approaching Maxwell and Gracie.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:29 pm

    Gracie then piped up herself, asking "And how long should we expect this competition to go on for, exactly? A week, a month?" As she spoke, she sat a little more upright, giving Blaze a curious look as she did, having left analysing him for last
    Blaze Connor
    Blaze Connor

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Blaze Connor Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:36 pm

    "The competition will last for 5 days, and will consist of 2 separate competitions, one of course, being a combat tournament. As I said, there are going to be two competitions, one assessing your tactical sense, and combat abilities. The tactical one is being kept under wraps, as it also will test your ability to think on your feet, without preparation." He said, before moving to stand up "If that's all, you're all dismissed. This is your last chance to ask something of me before tomorrow, when your trials will begin."
    Maxwell Connor

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    Post by Maxwell Connor Mon Aug 10, 2020 12:41 pm

    He walks over to Gracie and Blaze with his arms crossed, having a mellow expression with his arms to his side.

    "Your process for the election of the next lieutenant is interesting, Maximillian chose Darius almost immediately, and Maximus did the same with his old lieutenant. Truth be told, I was expecting for the same to happen this time around. Regardless, I'll do my best and hopefully by the end of all this I'll stand by your side, brother."

    With that said, he gives him a light smile.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:16 pm

    Gracie made her way out of her seat slowly, grinning at Maxwell as he approached, sizing him up "Well, hello there. My name is Gracie Montero" She said, holding her hand out to him as she continued "I'm surprised you're also in the running, Mr Connor. Or may I call you Max? Seems a little odd for us to be in the running against family" Casting a sideways glance Blaze's way as she spoke
    Blaze Connor
    Blaze Connor

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    Post by Blaze Connor Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:48 pm

    "True, but back then, our organisation was not as large, and there likely weren't so many suitable candidates, unlike today." He said in response to Maxwell, grinning as he slapped him on the shoulder "Regardless of the outcome, I hope what you say remains true." However, at Gracie's comment, his face returned to a serious one, as he said "Rest assured, there will be no playing favourites on my end, I can assure you of that much. Now, if you'll excuse me." And as he finished, he left the room, exiting through the same back door he came in from
    Maxwell Connor

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    Post by Maxwell Connor Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:18 pm

    Maxwell faces Gracie and shrugs his shoulders slightly, shooting the same slight smile at her.

    "Nice to meet you, Ms. Montero. Either or is fine, if you can't decide then Max is fine. I don't think it's odd at all, Blaze is not a man of bias and this event he's holding shows that trait."

    He also glances at Blaze once he begins speaking, nodding at every fair point he makes. Once Blaze places his hand on his shoulder, he lets out an exhale of air.

    "We're family and we've worked so hard to establish this peace, why wouldn't it remain true?"
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Aug 10, 2020 10:44 pm

    Gracie grinned at Maxwell as he said so, raising an eyebrow at him as she replied "Please, Ms Montero is... Well, nobody really. Call me Gracie." She added, before saying "I'm surprised to see you in the running here. I thought your family hated the idea of playing second fiddle to anyone, even your own."
    Maxwell Connor

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    Post by Maxwell Connor Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:10 am

    He smiles Iat her humorous figure of speech, shrugging after her next statement.

    "We don't necessarily like the idea, it's true. I'm willing to be open-minded about it though, if there is someone that's more than capable than us then they deserve the position."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Wed Aug 12, 2020 9:37 am

    Gracie grinned at him as he said so, her eyebrow only raising further "In that case, may the best person win. No holding back, and no excuses" She said, giving a little curtsy and nod of the head to him as she spoke
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:37 pm

    After Grace's comment, he interjects.

    "Ahem--Apologies if I interrupted, but I've brewed tea for each of us."

    He says with a tray that has 3 cylindrical cups on it, looking stoic.
    Maxwell Connor

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    Post by Maxwell Connor Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:38 pm

    Maxwell raises a brow at the man before he takes a cup, taking a quick sip, nodding with a surprised expression after.

    "Huh... This is actually quite nice. Thank you."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Thu Aug 13, 2020 9:37 pm

    Gracie raised her eyebrow at Hake as well, taking the cup slowly as she spluttered "Wha..? Where did you do this? How? When? Why?" She said, taking a small sip before grinning "Or maybe you're poisoning us to get an edge in the competition?"
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Thu Aug 13, 2020 10:19 pm

    "Don't fret on the small details."

    He takes a gentle sip of his, responding to her second statement after.

    "No, never would I do such a thing. A dishonest tactic like that would be a stain on my name."

    He says with an proud yet blank tone, taking another sip. The two probably realize he isn't really a guy of humor.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:44 pm

    "... I wouldn't really consider that a small detail, but sure, keep your secrets." She said with a grin, rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck "So... what makes you all want this job?" She asked, trying to strike up a conversation
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Fri Aug 14, 2020 6:53 pm

    "My family owe the Connor's a debt, they saved our clan from extinction and ever since then we've been working in perfect harmony with the them here at SCOA. I wish to deepen my clan's relationship with them, I've much hidden talents under my sleeve, some that he himself isn't aware of yet. "

    With the last sentence said, his right eye crackles with electricity for a half second.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:03 am

    "One of which I'm sure is your tea brewing skill" Gracie said with a grin, raising her cup to him before taking a few more sips "So, I'm really the only one here that doesn't know the admiral personally? I can work with that"
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:17 am

    "Praise yourself, getting to where you are with little to no connections with Admiral Connor is incredible. I'm quite interested to see what you are capable of."

    And with that said, he takes about hefty sip.
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:43 am

    Gracie grinned at Hake as he spoke, gently laying her free hand on his chest as she teased "Well ain't that sweet? And here I was hoping I'd be underestimated." She added, patting his chest before removing her hand
    Hakesura Tsunenage

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    Gracie and Hake Meet Empty Re: Gracie and Hake Meet

    Post by Hakesura Tsunenage Mon Aug 17, 2020 8:12 am

    He is taken aback from her hand on his chest, looking at it with his rare expression before she retracts. Hake isn't quite sure how to respond to the first comment so he instead moves onto the next thing.

    "Apologies, but if you are here then I cannot afford to underestimate you. Such foolishness risks my downfall."
    Gracie Tsunenage
    Gracie Tsunenage

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    Post by Gracie Tsunenage Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:57 pm

    Gracie chuckled to herself as she noted his reaction, finishing off the rest of the tea "That was the whole point!" She said, before turning to Maxwell "So does that mean you two know each other?"

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